KATE and TietoEvry have enjoyed a successful partnership for over 16 years, collaborating on projects of various scales. This latest endeavor, however, stands as our most impressive accomplishment together.
E.R.B Rail office
With joy and pride, KATE has successfully completed a nationally significant project – the furnishing of RAIL BALTICA office spaces, bringing together employees from various European Union countries, including engineers, designers, and developers. This project ensures that RAIL BALTICA trains run swiftly and efficiently on the tracks.
Helmes Latvia
When creative minds unite, something special inevitably emerges, and this project is a vivid testament to that. The creation of the office design and setup has been a collaborative effort of the Helmes team and a group of designers, with even artificial intelligence being brought into play.
What is it like to work, but feel at home?
When everything is carefully planned, you can truly feel the fruits of quality office furnishing. At the moment when employees have not yet settled in and organized their spaces, being in these rooms is pleasant and even soothing because you can see that everything has been taken care of.