3D model library of KATE furniture
This category is meant for anyone involved with architecture and interior design. 3D furniture models offered by Kate are available for free download and ready for integration in the projects and visualisations.
At the moment Sketchup library offers wide collection of Kate Office furniture 3D models as well as full range of Softline product 3D models in CAD and SKP file formats.
BoConcept and Cane-line 3D DGW files available here:
3D models of other brands offered by Kate available upon request, sending an email to info@kate.lv or turning to your Kate project manager.

For SketchUp users
- Quick and easy 3D model integration into project.
- Option to change the size and other criterion of the furniture within one model.
- Quick and easy correction and complementing of downloaded model.

For CAD users
- Option to download Collada.dae furniture models from SketchUp library.